
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mat Sabu the scapegoat of Umno’s redemption

Mat Sabu’s recent comment regarding the Bukit Kepong incident has given the God send fodder to Umno to divert the nation from the monumental issues which they are facing which they want the nation not to know. The Main Stream Media is lambasting Mat Sabu as Communist’s sympathizer or an ‘Islamic Communist’ apologist; is being tainted and demonized as a betrayer of Malay race. But it is generally accepted that the Islamic bogeyman accusation on the Pas Deputy President is a ploy to divert the attention of the nation from the distressed Umno. 
 The electoral reform which PM Najib announced, regarding the Parliamentary Select Committee , and  the Luke worm support he received even among his Cabinet colleague regarding his reform initiative. And to quote Senior Lawmaker YB Lim Kit Sing “what is most fatal about public confidence in the parliamentary select committee on electoral reforms is the refusal of the Barisan Nasional to consult with the Pakatan Rakyat leadership before unilaterally and arbitrarily deciding on the composition, terms of reference, timeline, the role of Bersih 2.0 and other aspects of the committee”. And till today it has not been resolved to chagrin of the nation.

Next the registration of illegal immigrants from Indonesia as citizens and voters, which the opposition were exposing one by one, and there are widespread suspicion that the government is using the same modus operandi as in Sabah. These serious issues of instant citizenship and government’s debauchery in betraying the trust of the nation is now being sidelined, and now Mat Sabu is their scapegoat. The Damansara Utama Methodist Church illegal raid which has brought widespread condemnation throughout the country and breaking the myth of Najib’s Malaysia as moderate progressive Islamic nation internationally. The threat and intimidation of Exam’s to burn Malaysiakini and Malaysiainsider The first Lady Rosmah Mansur’s 24 million diamond ring scandal and the dwindling support of Najib’s popularity, are other issues which Barisan  Nasional wants to deviate. 

Rather than prolonging and their desire to debunk historical truths and misled the people and hiding behind issues to protect themselves. Umno  If it has any semblance of sanity, must support the proposal of Pas vice-president Salahuddin Ayub  to set up a Cabinet committee to review the history of the country’s independence, and solve this problem forever. Let the people be the judges to determine who the real heroes are. Whether it is only Umno which hold the monopolistic and indispensible right of the nation’s independence struggle?

The Bukit Kepong incident can be well surmised and to quote  the  eminent scholar Dr.Faresh Noor “But we also cannot, and should not, deny the historical role played by other groups including the trade unions movements, the workers movements, the nascent vernacular press, the native intelligentsia, the cultural groups, the Islamists and the Leftists as well. ALL of them were part of this collective drama that we call our national history. And our national history has to be precisely that: a National History that mirrors the complexity and diversity of this complex thing called ‘Malaysia’. My lament, as an academic by default, is that objectivity and balance have long since left the stage and gone flying through the window. Yet we should not forget that a lopsided, skewered and biased history is not simply an incorrect or incomplete record of our past; it would also be a broken legacy that sadly will be passed on to the generations to come. And that is not a singular loss to any one of us, but to all.”

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