On a daily basis, we are confronted with serious challenges that have begun to undermine the very foundations of our Nation. The peace and harmony of our multi-ethnic, multi-faith and multicultural society are under threat.
Ethnocentric and race-based politics and communally-minded politicians continue to derail the process of inclusive nation building and the formation of a Bangsa Malaysia national identity. Importantly, religion is now increasingly used as a main marker of identity, and as a boundary maintenance mechanism to polarize the people.
There are political parties and their affiliates that are not focused on nation building, rather on building their respective power bases. These parties on both sides of the divide pursue their agenda that are transactional and short-term, not transformational and long-term.
The mobilization and manipulation of race, ethnicity and religion have resulted in increasing intolerance, bigotry and extremism. There is also an emerging sub-culture of political violence. These are symptomatic of dangerous under-currents in our society.
The State, by default or design, has failed to address these pernicious developments. The State has also failed to play the role of an honest broker in managing conflicts in our society.
We believe the majority of the People want to end this brand of divisive ethno-religious politics.
We want to take ownership, fully cognizant, that Malaysia is a nation where her people are inextricably bound by a shared history, commonweal, and destiny.
We have to act before our society descends into the abyss of instability.
The "NEGARA-KU" Coalition aspires to mobilize and empower the People: -
1. To resist all forms of intolerance, bigotry, hatred, extremism, and violence;
2. To oppose all forms of discrimination, oppression, persecution and injustice;"
3. To strive for a socially inclusive society;
4. To exhort the State and its Institutions to respect, adhere and uphold the Rule of Law; and
5. To demand adherence to the principles of stewardship, integrity, accountability and transparency in all aspects of governance.
We will strive to do this by returning to the basics:-
The Federal Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land;
The Malaysia Agreement; and
The Rukunegara as the guide for national objectives and values.
By this process of engagement and empowerment we endeavour to"HEAL THE NATION" and "RESTORE HOPE" in our future.
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