
Monday, August 1, 2011

MIC General Assembly and their Resolutions for crumbs

MIC has never stopped from passing resolution from the day of its inception; neither have they halted or discontinued in their continued beggarly for crumbs from their supreme political masters and pupeteers Umno, whether their meetings and assemblies are held in temple halls or in Putra Jaya Convention Centre. Blowing their horns of comradeship and solidarity only during elections, but always used and abused as pawn in the wining of elections by Umno for the furtherance of its fascist racial supremacy. 

MIC with all the elements of fanfare and jubilance in organizing their Annual General Assembly in a very prestigious venue like Putra Jaya Convention Centre, notwithstanding it remains trapped in a relationship of servitude and submission with Umno. To the chagrin of the nation, Umno has never engaged them in a level field and equal term. Gerakan and MCA have been annihilated by Umno to a stage of no return. Even though Palinivelu is threatening that no other Indian based parties must be allowed as component of Barisan but ironically MIC has been violated and weakened by Umno when mosquito parties like Malaysia Makkal Sakthi Party were approved in a very short period (two weeks) and launched by Najib.Who promoted and engaged them without an iota of guilt and let to their omnipresence during by-elections. Now MIC is competing for whatever crumbs thrown to them with this mushroom parties. To Umno from the day of the Alliance party until now, Indians were only crucial in determining the victory of Umno, another fixed deposit like Sabah and Sarawak.

 Now with Umno with its bickering, the 3M conspiracy and disunity it is of utmost important to win back the Indian voters with the scenario of the Chinese deserting and the Malays now has thrown their allegiance  to three different  parties namely PAS, and PKR and Umno. Revoking and ready to challenge its invincibility and relevance, and to derail the Barisan Nasional coalition’s desire to another victory.

The resolution passed today 31st July in the MIC general assembly called for significant actions to be taken to uplift the economy of the Indian community. It was one of nine resolutions on politics, governmental affairs, education and socio-economic adopted at the two-day assembly. The resolution also called a special mechanism to be created to help hardcore poor Indians to own homes. And calling the government to set up an Indian Community Economic Empowerment Authority under the Finance Ministry.
The ultimate symbol  of Najib: 1 Malaysia Sari
Like all resolutions passed for umpteen years this will be only for record only, and next year they will gather for another assembly, new resolutions will be introduced forgetting what was passed today, never coming out this self-defeating vicious cycle.
The bestowing of ministerial post for Palinivelu will not be the miracle medicine to solve all the miseries and the helplessness of the Indian community, which is having a serious socio economic problem which are not just limited to temples and schools. The transmigration of the Indians from the shackles of the plantation slavery, from estates to towns and cities have created myriad of problems, like high incidence of crime, addiction to alcohol, lack of economic opportunities, violence, the filling of very high percentage of Indian youths in Police lockup and Jail, the continuous closing of government job to them, the discrimination of educational opportunities which has not been resolved and taken care until today.

MIC which claims to be the sole representative of the Indians and a member of the ruling coalition has failed miserably to alleviate the sufferings of the Indian Diaspora. Like an unwanted second wife of Umno, it is only used MIC to further its social and political agenda. The Indians pressing socio economic enigma is disregarded and sidelined with the helpless MIC standing as passive bystander.
 The Indians have already shown their displeasure with MIC and Barisan Nasional when they deserted them in the March 2008 election, the increasing influence of the internet, and racial hate propitiated by Umno sponsored organizations like Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia has only aggravated their resolve to teach them another lesson in the ballot box.

The government propaganda organ like BTN, which spread racial hate among the Civil service which surfaces occasionally by high ranking officers who demonized and disparage the Chinese and Indians as drunkards and children of prostitutes, the Interloke Issue, the anti Hindu temple cow head demonstration, the government inaction in checking the racial and religious superiority issue has questioned the governments seriousness in fair and just governance. MIC the partner of the ruling coalition acted like a toothless spineless person when the worst insult and hate was perpetuated against them. The continued affiliation of them with Umno will only alienate MIC from the resurgent educated generation, and their ultimate demise.

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