By Imam Muhammad Musri
I’m not Malaysian. I haven’t visited Malaysia. Nor have I engaged in
intense academic study about Malaysia. So I don’t claim to be an expert
on all the local dynamics that led Malaysia’s high court in October 2013
to declare it illegal for non-Muslims to refer to God as Allah, which
led recently to hundreds of Bibles being seized from a Christian group
because they used the world “Allah” to refer to God.
But I am a Muslim scholar and an Imam who has memorized the Qur’an.
And I’m fully convinced that the Malaysian court’s decision runs counter
to the core values and spirit of Islam. Moreover, I call on the
Malaysian high court when it hears the appeal on February 24, to correct
what I believe is a tragic mistake.
My understanding is that, because of their use of the word Allah to
refer to God, certain non-Muslims have been accused of trying to mask
their true identity and, by stealth, woo Muslims away from the Islamic
To the degree that the accusations are true, such behavior should be
condemned–not because other faith traditions don’t have the right to
engage Muslims in religious dialogue in the hope of converting them, but
because misrepresentation is always unacceptable. Honesty is a clearly
established moral expectation in the holy writings of every major world
Fraud deserves appropriate penalties. But making it illegal to refer
to God as Allah is not an appropriate solution for fraud — if indeed
fraud is the real problem. Could the real problem be the anger of poor
Malay Muslims over the rising prices of fuel and basic commodities? And
could this be an attempt by some in the Malaysian government to deflect
that anger?
In the same way that God is referred to as Dios in Spanish and Dieu
in French, Allah is the name for God in Arabic. Dios, Dieu and Allah are
not three distinct beings in a pantheon of gods. They’re simply
references to the deity that in English we call God.
When cultures overlap, it’s not uncommon for words to pass from one
culture to another — which is precisely what has happened in Malaysia.
Because Islam has for so long been the predominant religion of the
region, centuries ago the name “Allah” became the standard term used by
Malaysians to refer to God.
Non-Muslim faiths use the name “Allah” in their spoken liturgies and
printed materials. It’s the word used for God not only in the Malaysian,
but also Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, Turkish, and many other translations of
both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.
People called God as “Allah” before the Prophet Muhammad began
teaching Islam. In the Qur’an (43:87), God stated: “And if you
(Muhammad) asked them who created them, they would surely say, Allah!”
Therefore, everyone has the right to call God “Allah” not just Muslims.
As a Muslim, I feel honored that when our beloved faith arrived in
Malaysia centuries ago it made such an impact that the entire population
adopted our term for God.
What concerns me about the court’s decisions is that a word that has
been so fully embraced, and that should symbolize the ultimate in love
and justice, could in the minds of some come to symbolize hate and
oppression. Punishing for the use of a word that’s so ingrained in the
daily life and worship of non-Muslims guarantees a backlash.
The Malaysian high court’s decision goes contrary to what “Allah”
commended in the Qur’an (3:64) Muslims to do: “Say: O’ People of the
Book! Come to a common word between us and you: that we worship none but
Allah!” The court’s decision is not only wrong, but it is besmirching
Allah’s Name!
Imam Muhammad Musri is president of American-Islam and of the
Islamic Society of Central Florida, one of “The Three Wise Guys” on the
Orlando-based public radio program “Friends Talking Faith,” and a member
of the advisory board of the Interfaith Council of Central Florida.
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