
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Congratulations Datuk Dr. Ambiga

The nation salutes your resilience in standing in walking with them for Electoral reform, and be an icon for reform and democracy. The Jhansi Rani of Malaysia. When political leaders in Malaysia demonize and despise her, the international community hails her as an exemplary leader fighting for the suppressed people of Malaysia in their yearning for electoral reform. The Honorary Doctor Degree bestowed upon her by her Alma Matter on the 21st of July at the University’s convocation ceremony of the University of Exeter of UK is a fitting tribute for her resilience and uncompromising stand on Human Rights.

Ambiga is a practicing litigation lawyer in Malaysia. She graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of Exeter in 1979. She was called to the English Bar at Gray’s Inn in 1980 and to the Malaysian Bar in 1982. She served on the Malaysian Bar Council from 2002 until March 2010. She was Chairman and President of the Malaysian Bar from March 2007 until March 2009.

She was one of the eight recipients of the Secretary of State Award of US in 2009.The citation for her award reads.”An accomplished lawyer who became President of the Malaysian Bar Council, Ambiga Sreenevasan masterfully uses the rule of law to advance human rights, the status of women, and religious tolerance. In the face of death threats and intimidation, Ms. Ambiga has emerged as a strong voice of tolerance and justice.”

She was one of eight recipients of the US Secretary of State “International Women of Courage” Award in 2009.

Her benevolence in dedicating the prestigious award to the people of Malaysia who defied their fears, and proudly showed their presence in front of the Governments intimidation's and threat. The volleys of tear gas and chemical lazed water jets were only like the morning dew of the dawn, melting by the Yellow rays of the sun, never killed the resolve of the people.

Her love and commitment for reform is manifested by her acceptance speech,”You have already heard of the events of July 9th in Malaysia. Whilst it brought out the worst in some, it brought out the best in others and this is where our hope lies. There were some in government who opposed the methods used to shut us down. Even doctors left their comfort zones to speak up against injustices. And of course there were the lawyers and the independent media who stood on the side of truth and justice. However, the real heroes of that day are our friend and supporter Allahyarham Baharuddin Ahmad who paid the ultimate price in fighting a noble cause, the six members of the Socialist Party of Malaysia who, as we speak, sit in solitary confinement under preventive detention laws and finally the brave people of Malaysia who overcame their fear of intimidation and harassment to uphold their fundamental rights”.

Datuk Dr. Ambiga you made Malaysians proud. Best wishes.

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