Like dejected lover, who have for a few times shared the same bed, but with different dreams, Umno is now acting like a jilted lover, knelling and proclaiming they are better partners to PAS than DAP, (may be just graduated from the obedient husbands club) and accusing them to have abandoned the Malay Unity which has now become so sacred for UMNO, their last clarion call for their survival. Umno’s desperation and exacerbation is clearly revealed now. The mantra of UMNO after the March 2008 Election ‘Malay Unity’ only with PAS and not with PKR Malay is now lost. Last in the list lost at last.
TDM the person who called PAS, PIS is now suddenly lamenting that they have sacrificed their Islamic concept, a person who mercilessly scorned and cursed the Islamic Party for years, crying now like a wolf for an escaped ‘goat’. Moohideen Yassin our Deputy Prime Minister, pleading to PAS that they are still ready for a relationship. A real Gila Talak. Hai! you UMNO guys , why are so desperate in courting PAS who has vehemently renounced and rejected you as the most putrid, corrupted, immoral, racialist party under the sun.
And now when you are on the way to the abyss of oblivion as in 1969, and when a similar situation now necessitates a sudden reminiscence of your old failed love affair, you’re itching to patch up to save your skin. Pas suffered the most humiliating political degradation after agreeing to the marriage proposed by Tun Razak in 1972. They lost Kelantan under Datuk Asri Muda in 1978, until they captured it with great struggle in 1990, for their ill-conceived marriage with Umno. Pas was reduced to shambles by the Umno shenanigans, which was engineered to induce PAS to self destruction. Once bitten twice shy. And PAS is now telling you to go to hell, berambus lah Umno, very profoundly and vehemently.
After the 2008 political Tsunami which was the worst nightmare in the history of the ruling party, and after spending millions of taxpayers’ money in engaging APCO, and the brandishing of One Malaysia crab policy they were consistently courting PAS for the marriage of convenience to save them from another electoral defeat. A party now in self destructive mode, Umno’s dream to entrap Pas into another marriage of convenience has failed terribly with the no nonsense speech by Ustaz Hadi Awang, and the reemergence of leaders like Mat Sabu and Husam Musa, who are considered inclusive of Muslims and Non Muslims, just the ideal candidates who will give a stumbling blow to the ill conceived Umno’s Malay Unity enigma and take Pakatan to greater heights. Hitting the final nail in the coffin of the unity government, dreamt by desperate Umno, or will it be the ‘hay which broke the camel’s back’.
Thanks Utusan Malaysia the ‘paragon of journalistic virtues’, which creates enemies of the Malay race, religion and the royalty from the thin air, and follow it up with police reports by pseudo UMNO Perkasa, for campaigning for the new leadership of PAS. Umno campaigned for some the Ulama candidates whom they think can support their agenda: of deceiving and to entice them for the purported unity government. TV Tiga was giving nightly reports and sermons of the blogger Kickdefella’statements disparaging Husam Musa and Mat Sabu, interviews with the Kulim frog Zul, and The Star with the star spinner Jocelyn Tan writing articles and analysis regarding the virtues of returning the Ulama’s in the Islamic party’s hierarchy, shedding crocodile tears that the party has lost the Islamic credentials.
All the spin and misinformation by the main stream media ended in futility. Now they are coming out with stories that PAS has deviated from the true path by collaborating with Anwar and DAP. Their misinformation is continuing in the Media, like lamentation of a jilted partner of marriage. A one sided love affair. But Pas has started the long march with their partners in Pakatan to Putra Jaya. Syabas PAS.
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