A nation’s dignity is breached and tarnished once again, the most heinous crime is being unleashed to shame a nation, the demonization of Anwar continues, to unashamedly depict to our young, that we are an over obsessed libidinous people, and can go to the lowest level of moral and religiosity to tarnish, humiliate and kill our political opponents. This country is again shocked and horrified to witness another sex fiasco, another conspiracy to dehumanize a national leader, which the people in power ashamedly desire to demolish, and kill him politically once for all.
The ruling oligarchy goes so low to maliciously and repeatedly vindicate a person, tainted and maimed earlier, and unceremoniously send to jail on fabricated charges. This sexual conspiracy which is now being unleashed by these desperados has only one intend, to terminate his standing among his party and his coalition, to induce more political opportunists to jump ship and derail the agenda of the opposition to take over Putra Jaya. For he is the devil incarnate for them, the person who will bring down this corrupt government to their knees and to its obliteration.
Now this guy one Datuk T a ‘baruah’ (despicable henchman) of the child molester, from Malacca giving an ultimatum to DS Anwar and his wife that they must resign from all post in the party or else he will circulate the recordings. What an atrocious heinous act of a person who is definitely not alone, in demanding and blackmailing the nations Prime Minister in waiting to leave for good.
This Datuk T is one those who can debauch anything for gratifications.DS Anwar has denied it vehemently, citing he was not the person involved in the purported act and has shown he was with his family and party men, and twitting at the particular time this hearsay has supposedly happened. Is it not an offence to posses circulate and display pornographic material in public in Malaysia, or it is only used for those other than BN’s buddies like Ah Lek from Johore. Political blackmailing, persecution and intimidation, are the last desperate attempt to stay in power for this people. What a shameful humiliating action of a party which now claims to the custodian of the Islamic faith, and a world famous moderate Muslim nation.
Carcosa Sri Negara the premier hotel, and not the Chow Kit back lane brothel, is the venue for the screening of this extraordinary pornographic movie, and do you think any Ahmad, Ah Kow, and Samy can organize it there. Invited journalist to the inaugural show, were asked to remove all their recording devices, including their pen, before they were allowed for the show. Some journalist has spotted a few familiar personnel’s there. PM and his cousin Hisham have denied that the police has anything to do with this.
Coming very soon to our Highest Court; a lady who is now in custody in some famous brothel in Bukit Bintang or in Hospital’s like Pusrawi, will be testifying in court that she has not eaten for two days, and not even brushed her tooth, or washed her rancid and putrid private parts until some benevolent concerned politicians rescued her from her predicament, taking her for medical checkup, to take scoop from her mouth and her private parts, for DNA analysis, with some very senior Police officers advising and consoling her. And she will swear on all existing religions, that she is the unlucky women in the video and DS Anwar is her partner.
Bed sheets, mattress and pillows will be paraded with utmost care and regality like some sacred symbols by our poor Policemen. The Attorney General will be prosecuting for the Government, with one his most important paraphernalia; tissues papers which were used for swiping her private parts during her illicit rendezvous, kept religiously under controlled temperatures in some labs under very strong security.
The Sarawak State assembly is now dissolved, even before the announcement of the date for the election; they have started the campaign to win back the Sarawak State, which is under the ludicrous and corrupt Taib Mahmud, the Pharaoh of the land of the hornbills. BN is now disturbed with some survey result, which has exposed that he will lose badly in this election making BN jittery and panicky. The eroding of his popularity with the Sarawakians and the implication it will have for BN, nesseciates the government’s determination in keeping this demon at all cost, and as a matter of urgency are compelled to kill all the semblance of DS Anwar’s credibility, and to weaken Pakatan Pakyat’s solidarity and misled them from focusing on the election in Sarawak. They have started firing their cannon of treachery, their libelous salvo, and their first political offensive for the election with this sex scandal.
With millions of money is being splashed on Public Relation firm to prop up the ailing BN. And their brandishing of extreme racialism, to win back the Malays, with the aid of their subsidiary quasi Umno, Perkasa, Perkida and other ultra Malay fascist organizations and the One Malaysia Crab policy to appease the non Malays. And the political feel good feeling unleashed by the Government owned RTM, which follows the despicable Stalinist North Korean regime in their time tested method of hero worshipping their leader, engineering PM Najib as the Great Patriotic Benevolent leader with his accusation against him still unanswered. Even with all these apparatus of the Government, BN still feels it is inadequate to win over Pakatan.
The Main stream media which has become the mouth piece of BN, is working now in high gear; The Star Newspaper another BN’s apologist, setting aside important world affairs like Nuclear threat in Japan, the Libyan turmoil and other important local and foreign news, allocated four of its pages, as if awaiting for this to happen, with a very catchy front page, and publishing the chorus of BN ministers and sundries insinuating on the video affair. The main stream media, Utusan, TV3, RTM is having field day like a Nazi propaganda machine taking cue from the Reich Propaganda Ministry of Joseph Goebbels. Creating their very best misinformation masterpiece, to humiliate DS Anwar.
The Nazi’s failed miserably at last with their enigma, that lies and half truth which are deliberately and continuously propagated will become truth. And the ploy of the desperados to demonize with their perpetuating of scandal after scandal, with Sodomy 1, Sodomy 2 and now this sex fiasco, will only create doubt and indignation about this mischievous allegations. Overdose of lies, will at last evaporate like the dew on a clear morning sun. People cannot be misled forever, and their anger will annihilate this devils.
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