
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sarawak and Sabah the tale of deceit.

One thing never changed from the day Malaysia was created in 1963 with the joining of Sarawak and Sabah as individual autonomous ex British Colonies in the formation of the confederation of a new nation; the epic center to rule and control only changed from London Colonial office to Kuala Lumpur. Ninety five percent of the State’s revenue is being taken by the central Government. Leaving the States poor with endemic poverty.
As a newly acquired new land masses Sabah and Sarawak is there just ready, to be exploited and subjugated, and to be unleashed with the same time tested methods and formulas which were being used in Peninsula Malaya. The same stereo type governments were engineered and formed in Sarawak and North Borneo territories, like the multi party coalition Alliance government in Peninsula. Sarawak under 18 point agreement  together with Sabah with its 20 point agreement merged with Malaya under the Cobbold Commission as autonomous entities, with their very specific terms and condition, to safeguard their economy, the demographic composition, employment, immigration, language and  religion.

There was not much of a difference between how the colonialists govern whether it’s from London before or now Kuala Lumpur; they use their resources and energy to rule and intimidate the states which has now become legitimately a state of Malaysia, across the South China Seas. The long history of this newly acquired states is the story of maintaining the agenda of the Federal government, placing in state Governments which are friendly and accommodating to them; in Sabah especially the Chief Ministers like Tun Mustapha,Datuk Fuad Stephens (Donald Stephens)Datuk  Harris Salleh, Datuk Joseph Pairrin Kittigan are at various time are ousted when they were deemed as  threat, like when they raise issues about secession and when they raised other sensitive subjects and reappointed, when they were tamed. The Alliance and now Barisan Nasional, premeditated, ousters of Chief Ministers, dethroning, palace intrigues and coup’s, mysterious plane crashes and artificial population explosion.

In 1960 population censes in Sabah, the Malays were not listed for any significant presence there, but in year 2011, Umno has the highest numbers of registered members in Malaysia in Sabah, (455,823) out numbering even Johor (438,000)Mass migration and naturalization in 1970 under USNO and 1980 under Berjaya started  the ethnic transformation of Sabah. The Population increase in Sabah during the period 1970 to 2000 is whooping 285 percent; a world record, this influx of foreign nationals who are Muslim, and who resemble like Malays were coerced and encouraged to migrate to Sabah from Mindanao and Indonesia with the complicity of Barisan National under Project IC or Project M.The Kadazan Duzuns became a minority after this massive calculated engineered demographic onslaught, which changed the ethnic makeup and political landscape. Sabah a state with Christian Kadasan Dusun leadership has now succumbed to a unitary Islamic state by the formation of Umno, with their legalized illegal Muslim immigrants breaking all convention of fair play and justice. Now Umno call the shots in Sabah. This sad episode and debacle is only rivaled by the transmigration of Jewish people to Israel from Europe and Middle East and the creation of the tragic Palestine Diasporas; and the forced resettlement of Kurds from the rich oil fields in Mosul and the Arabization of Kurdish territories by Saddam Husain. These propitiators of the crime against the people of Sabah are now sending humanitarian Ships and armadas to Gaza to prove their altruistic credentials and show the world how concerned they are for the dispossessed Palestinian people but in their own backyard they did exactly like the Zionist and Bathist.

In Sarawak they found a good ally in Datuk Pattingi Abdul Rahman Yaakob and his Cousin Abdul Taib Mahmud, after Datuk Stephan Kalong Ningkom’s Chiefmanship, Datuk Pattingi Abdul Rahman Yaakop and his cousin Datuk Abdul Taib Mahmud were allowed to continuously rule Sarawak State from 1970 until to date, ruling the State like a family enterprise.

 The political feud between Datuk Pattingi Abdul Rahman Yaakob and Taib Mahmud in the 80’s is self explanatory of omnipresence of mall practices and corruption, when each accuses the other of their corruption and nepotism, and who owns what. If Barisan is a responsible ombudsmen they could of easily arrested both the ex and current chief ministers and bring to justice, but they kept quiet for reason only known to them.  The rich timber, construction and plantations concessions were given to their sons, daughters, uncles and sundries arbitrarily without any consideration of norms, transparency and open tender system. The majority Christian Dayaks Iban community were bypassed and never given a chance to be chief ministers and marginalized. Creating a lot discontentment and dissatisfaction among them.

 The rich economic resources of the State such as timber, petroleum mineral products and the plantation sector have become the personal properties of ruling party of the state and were allowed to be plundered with the complicity of the ruling elites of KL, with Tab Mahmud at the helm, now one of the richest man in Asia, with assets and properties sprawling across the globe. Native land are being confiscated to exploit the timber resources by crony companies and deeming the subsistence farmers landless and succumbing them to poverty. The Federal Government has failed in his moral and legitimate duty in preventing the excessive corruption and misuse of funds, which otherwise can be utilized to raise the people of Sarawak from extreme poverty, the poorest in the country. Just for their political expediency BN has bartered sold and mortgaged the people’s well being.
Our National leadership shamelessly defends these corrupted leaders at all cause, just to remain in power. The people of East Malaysia must decide now, whether to let this economic and political carnage against their state to continue and to forever remain as Fixed Deposit Voters or to make dramatic decision to deny Barisan National, and transform their state from servitude to prosperity.

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